
CoC 1: Fire and Ice- Ch. 2: The Mysterious Girl

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Ariana looked up at Sonic.
Ariana: (thinking) Thank Chaos he was the one to find me.
She looked at the emerald green eyes and blue quills she had seen so many times in her dreams. Her eyes moved down and she saw the scars on his sides. Surrounding them, she saw what no one else could- scorch marks on one side, freeze burns on the other. He had already met them, already come between them. They had already hurt him, marked him as an enemy. She had been warned this would happen. Sonic wouldn't be able to stay out of the conflict. Still, she had hoped to be there when he first confronted them. Of course, she had also hoped she would be able to tell him everything, but clearly that wasn't going to happen. As she felt herself slipping away, she only managed to tell him the most vital piece of information.
Ariana: Fire and Ice, the eldest Children of Chaos, wage their eternal war. This time, it shall be either decided or laid to rest, and if it is decided, the world will fall.
Unable to hold on any longer, Ariana let go, allowing herself to slip away into the darkness of oblivion.

Ariana lost consciousness, and Sonic sighed, knowing he was going to have to wait for answers to the millions of questions he had about what she had just said. He rolled Ariana onto her back, planning to carry her to Tails's workshop. That was when he saw that her front was covered in dried blood. Sonic bit his lip. He needed to see how badly she was injured. Her dress was torn, so he parted the tears to see the injuries. Surrounded by black and pink burns, they looked awfully familiar. When Sonic realized why, he felt sick. They were identical to the wounds on his sides. Was it possible that she had run into Shadow and Silver on her way here and... No, they wouldn't do that to someone. Still, there did seem to be a connection. She had said "You have to stop them and mentioned a war... Sonic brought himself out of his thoughts by telling himself that she needed medical attention. He picked her up and ran (at normal speed since he was still recovering) to Station Square Hospital. The nurse at the desk screamed when she saw Ariana. That brought the doctors running. As soon as they saw the injured hedgehog, they ran to get a stretcher and carried her away on it. Sonic followed, wondering, could Shadow and Silver have done this? Why would they attack her? And if it wasn't them, then who? Sonic was so confused about so many things, it was giving him a headache.

When Sonic was allowed to see her, Ariana was lying on a hospital bed, her middle wrapped in bandages. The doctors couldn't tell when she would wake up. Sonic sat at her bedside for a while, but then got restless and went back to Tails's workshop, deciding he would go back to the hospital and check on her tomorrow. When he got to the workshop, all his friends were there except for Shadow and Silver. Tails, Cream, Rouge, Blaze, Knuckles, and Amy were sitting in beanbag chairs in a circle on the floor. It was obviously a meeting, so Sonic pulled up a beanbag chair.
Tails: Sonic, now that everyone's here, you have to tell us what happened yesterday when you, Shadow, and Silver went up to fight Eggman.

Sonic nodded and launched into the story. When he had finished, everyone looked horrified. Before they could start bombarding him with questions, however, Sonic held up his hand.
Sonic: There's more.

He told them about Ariana and the weird things she had  said that might have something to do with Shadow and Silver, ending with leaving her at the hospital.
Blaze: That's impossible. Silver would never do that. I've known him for years. He could never...
Rouge: *sigh* It sounds like he and Shadow haven't been themselves lately.
Cream: You don't think Mr. Shadow and Mr. Silver really could have hurt that poor girl, do you?
Rouge: *looks down* I don't know what to think. But if they did, my question is: why?
Knuckles: Well, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Why is any of this happening? What's going on?
Tails: Maybe... no...
Sonic: What is it, buddy?
Tails: Well... that girl, Ariana, she... she had something important to tell you. If it really was something about them, maybe it was something they didn't want anyone  knowing, so they tried to... silence her.
There was a horrified silence.
Amy: No, they would never do anything like that. Besides, even if they would, what could be so important to them that we not know, they would try to kill someone to keep them quiet?
Tails: I don't know.
Sonic: None of us do. All we're doing is guessing and it's not getting us anywhere. We don't know that it was Shadow and Silver who attacked Ariana, and we can't assume the worst. The best thing we can do is wait until Ariana wakes up. She can tell us who attacked her. Besides, she knows something, and whether it has to do with Shadow and Silver or not, it's important. I don't know about you guys, but I don't like the sound of "the world will fall".
Everyone agreed to that. Those who didn't have homes in or around Station Square stayed ant Tails's workshop except for Knuckles, who went back to Angel Island.
Finally, Chapter 2 is up. I swear the universe was working against me on this one but the universe lost this bout. I cut the original Ch 2 in half. The second half will be Ch 3, where Ariana wakes up and we (possibly) get some answers. Sorry this is such a short chapter. Ch 3 will be longer, but not as long as Ch 1. NEVER doing that again. EVER.

Please leave a comment telling me what you think of this. If you like it, great! I'm doing something right. If you don't, please be nice and constructive about it and tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Sonic and co. © SEGA.
Ariana © me.

© 2015 - 2024 SkystormChaosCore
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